The cultural center of the Minorites in Graz is being rebuilt and renovated. The artist area, next to the Minoritensaal, will be completely refurbished and barrier-free. The entire courtyard 1 (cloister and green space) is lowered by about 20cm and redesigned. This return to historically original levels is consistently continued by the cloister and there will also be an exposure of the pillars on the entrance to the small hall. The access areas of the parish hall and parish office are barrier-free and connected to the cloister. The 2nd courtyard should be free of parking. With the new lift, the new sanitary facilities form a formally reduced box in the historic vaults and are identical to the material used at the cloakroom and buffet unit. The new escape staircase, positioned at the southwestern building corner, takes advantage of the existing differences in level and is at the same time a separate entrance from the western service facade. The mezzanine is newly installed, G1 and G2 are existing levels, which only need to be adjusted. The use of the respective levels - artist wardrobes or associated sanitary units - is flexible, the supply and disposal are ideally on top of each other. The Minoriten-Hall itself is adapted according to building technology, acoustics and building physics.