The St. Veit an der Glan Hospital of the Brothers of Charity is redesigning the operating rooms, intensive care unit, endoscopy and outpatient departments in the existing building and an extension building. The conversion and extension take place during operation. A geometrically simple, quiet structure takes the outer contours of the existing building, eaves height and materiality of the facade are aligned to the southern extension of the western wing. On the west facade, a caesura to the listed building is provided analogously to the annex. The perforated windows projecting opposite the facade have the same proportions as in the southern extension, the rhythm of the window openings follows the plan layout with one window for four rooms on the first floor and three rooms on the second floor. For reasons of flexibility, continuous window strips are planned on the north facade for future changes in use, and the sterile corridor is to be glazed over a large area in order to obtain a sufficient natural lightening for the operating rooms behind. As a sun protection outside blinds or sun protection glazing are designed. It is proposed, in the sense of a master plan for long-term developments, to abandon the farmyard in the basement and move the entire supply and disposal of the hospital to the other side of the street into the area of delivery of the kitchen. With this measure, an unbundling of the traffic flows in the area of the emergency department, the crossing of the rescue access with the delivery in the farmyard can be avoided and negative effects on the adjacent examination rooms can be minimized. Inside the building, this creates a stringent, clear access matrix with short routes for patients and staff, shorter transport times and consistent separation of patient flows and their reception and treatment locations.