Client: LIG-Steiermark
Location: Blümelhofweg, Graz
Competition: 2010, 2.Prize
Dimensions (usable area): 1.600 m²


Task of the competition is the reorganization and construction of new housing and educational spaces for children and juveniles, members of the project Aufwind. The new structures are added to the existing ensemble. In the open spaces (courts and gardens) between existing and new structures views and continuity are preserved. By dissociating the structures good lighting and different spatial relations are provided - a well related, spatial texture is created, corresponding to proportions of surroundings and incline. The task defines two separated areas: dwelling and education, which differ in urban planning and functional respects. The educational rooms, built in front of the semi-public area, are situated in the entrance zone to the centre "Aufwind". These rooms are frequented by visitors. The east-west-directed, one-storey building unit forms a threshold which does not disturb the general situation by its modest height. The dwelling-units and the school are located along the incline. The buildings form a barrier between semi-public communal area and quiet, private open spaces behind - in horizontal and vertical respects. According to the pedagogic conception of "Aufwind", life in the community should be analogous to family related rules. This important pedagogic aim is reached by providing the groups with autonomous units of high living standards. The open spaces and gardens form public, semi-public and private areas of different shaping. They are essential - together with the buildings - for the entire draft of the exterior spaces. Various open spaces - park with common places/ paths/ seats and benches - ensure communication, recreation, tranquillity and intimacy.