It was a necessity to centralize the two hospitals of St. John of God in Graz and on this acount it was the task of the competition to rebuild and expand the hospital in Graz-Marschallgasse. The design considers the dimensions of the neighbouring street-blocks and adapts to the existing structures. In Marschallgasse a four-storey, diagonal, compact and still structure intercedes between the northern structures, proceeding from the period of promoterism and the narrow Marschallgasse in the south. The ground-floor, receding in total length, shall broaden the street space and increase the attractivity of the forecourt and main-entrance of the hospital; both spaces shall serve as passenger-zones in the future. In Kosakengasse is also planned a four-storey structure, which has a two-storey passage to the domestic office and links up directly to the hotel "Mariahilf". Here is also designed a receding two-storey structure, beginning at the entrance in the east. On top of the building is planned a patients's garden. The development of the new and additional buildings is conceived in a way that the traffic-ways of the new building can be added to the existing structure with the smallest possible effort.