An expansion of the "Europaplatz (Europe Place)" over the Trenkenbach, between swimming-bath and the competition site, forms the forezone for the planned event centre. The decision of orientating the main entrance to the Europaplatz attaches importance to the place and reacts to the path-axis, leading from the village-centre to the site. The transparent and open design of the lounge and the extension of the café to the place, connect interior and exterior in an exciting way. The orientation of the seminar-areas to the south enables free view to the Planai finish, the centre of the Alpine Ski WM 2013. It was the aim to comply with the scale of the surroundings and to find a harmonic transition to the landscape of the slope. A structure of very different dimensions and requirements and the interplay of various functions should be organized spatially in the interior. The building appears clear and closed to the exterior, it offers lucidity and good orientation in the interior. The arrangement of the roof-area, the terracing in the height and the resulting incline try to preserve by soft runs the relation to the landscape, spite of the huge building-mass.