Client: Steiermärkische Krankenanstaltengesellschaft
Location: Bruck an der Mur
Competition: 2021
Dimensions (usable area): 5834 m²


The design is based on the first sketches by architect Peter Zinganel for a possible Extension of the hospital complex and takes over the building lines of the existing building.
Only in the west does the facade line take the property line or the building line of the adjoining residential building, resulting in a trapezoidal floor plan.
Two large atriums have been cut into the three-storey building, to the north is the The building is stepped and structured by gardens, terraces and roofing.
The extension of the hospital's main avenue ends in a three-storey entrance hall with a central development core and direct access to the outpatient clinic, day clinic, therapy area and
nursing stations. The substitution outpatient clinic that was moved from the existing building to the new building, the day clinic and the new one Cafeteria are accessible from the outside for better accessibility and via a footpath from the Parking lot accessible from the park. In the north-west of the building there is a separate entrance for acute patients, including an emergency exit, with a direct connection from the acute admission to the nursing stations. The administrative registration for psychiatry should take place in the main building. A merger of psychiatry and somatic hospital is desired in order to use synergies with the existing hospital. The facility consists of two components, whereby the care and treatment area are separated from each other and are connected by a spacious corridor with a chapel, cafeteria and several seating/waiting areas. The nursing wing is a curved structure with two upper floors, with three tooth-shaped extensions attached to the linear treatment area. The intention of the draft is to connect the psychiatry as an extension of the main route to create an attractive way.