The present situation of RBR is a very clotted and decentred factory area. The target of the design was to connect the area to an entire and whole unit. At the main front to Bradbourne Drive this standardization shall be achieved by a facing layer. A netting skin, mounted in front of the main facade (access side), cracks and opens to southeast. This „clasp“ closes the existing front to a new and calm, but also dynamic complex for the purposes of RBR CI. At the newly planned building units the most important design element was to adapt the existing shapes of structures and to extend them in the sense of logical concentration. At the existing main entrance the rebuilding and new design of the whole access zone and reception is planned. New furniture and wall tiling in the reception area extend in some cases to the draught preventer like a show case and offer a perfect platform for a show car, mounted on the back wall. The new entrance becomes a show case and the CI-symbol of RBR.